There were quite a few
robberies in my neighborhood last year and I was not expecting it to
drastically decrease this year. So to be on the safe side, I bought myself a safe lock box
and placed all the jewelry in it, well, almost all of it. I grabbed $20,000
worth and paid off my two credit card bills with it! A big burden was taken off
my back when I did so. It’s incredible how much stress financial hardship can
have on people. Those who are not able to bear the stress end up in really bad
shape, physically or emotionally. I used to be one of them.
Now my next plan is investing the rest! How can I triple or quadruple my $30,000?! Here’s one question to ponder upon. Should I open up a small business? Should I buy artisan merchandise and re-sell it online for a higher price? I had already been thinking about that! One thing I know for sure is that I am truly blessed. You never know what will come to you, so be open to anything! And keep in mind that you will receive your blessings when you least expect them. Have a great day!