In this
changing and developing world, where smart phones are often pegged smarter than
us and ‘’apps’’ seem to do everything from copying your dictations to turning
off a TV and even opening doors. We often find ourselves dependent to them and made
much more vulnerable by them. Regardless of technological experts’ opinions who
christen the information age as the backbone for a sustainable future, I will
not subject myself to the helplessness of not being able to open my house
because ‘’my phone went dead’’. That’s the excuse I hear for almost anything
now a days.
Don’t get
me wrong, I love technology… in fact, I get to speak my mind on social media,
watch news or shows I missed on YouTube and even take cooking courses online.
My problem is with being too dependable on what I consider still as largely
unknown, which is why instead of downloading an app to open my house (my lock is
not even digital) I have keys; tangible and curvy things that I get to feel and
replace in case of emergencies.
I have
often experienced the ‘’emergency’’ of being locked out of my house especially
when I was younger and went out more often and forgot to bring a set of keys
with me. Thankfully I have been able to rely on the capable hands of my residential locksmith in Baltimore. I
really think their industry has helped many generations over the years and I
really can’t picture the day when people just stop forgetting about taking
their keys with them. There is something weird about keys, when I think about
the concept of routines like showering and getting dressed (things you do every
day or are supposed to) in comparison to taking your keys (which you know you will
need when you get back home) for some reason people from all cultures and walks
of life always seem to forget about them. I really wonder what the problem is;
then again… it’s not just me and we can all rely on residential locksmiths, at least for the foreseeable future.